Talk about Traditional Chinese Medicine is not just talk about acupuncture, and the insertion of needles in certain points of the body. It is much more complex, and nice than that.
In some cases a person goes to the acupuncturist, and leaves the room with his treatment done, but without receiving a single needle, while they have been suction cups, has been made moxibustion, or tuina. In addition to taking a semi-permanent treatment on the ear, back, shoulder, etc. And Chikung (QiGong) exercises to do every day at home, and / or dietary guidelines, or the indication of consumption of some plants (either in the form of food supplements or infusions), homeopathy, ointments, etc.
The professional will make a diagnosis of the state of the person and will choose to use one or another technique; Using the most appropriate, depending on the current state and the reason why the person comes, and personalizing at each moment the treatment to be followed.
It is important to remember that it is the will of the person involved in their rapid recovery; Their firm decision to follow closely the indications provided by the therapist (at the level of food, handling of their emotions, recommended exercises and periodicity of the same), a prerequisite; Which in addition to the energy movement produced by the treatment, restore the balance lost (reason why you go to the center).
On the other hand:
"Return to being in communion with nature, the natural way of life, less stress (or that does not affect us too much), the use and consumption of more products and / or natural foods, and less processed, respect cycles of rest and Vigilance, etc. should be a priority for anyone involved in a rapid improvement, or balanced maintenance of their health. " Maxima, that from naturopathy we promote given its benefits.